3D-Shockwave treatments in Watford
3D- shockwave therapy is a powerful treatment in the fight against stubborn cellulite and works as an additional accelerator other fat removal and skin tightening services using the 3D ultimate machine.
Focusing is on improving the skin structure and connective tissue. Typical treatment areas are cellulite, connective tissue weakness (upper arm, lower abdomen etc.) and stretch marks.
How it works?
Shockwave therapy works by stimulating the breakdown of fat, collagen synthesis and lymphatic drainage. 3D-shockwave uses a probe placed against the area to be treated which emits radial waves through the skin.
A course of 8-10 individual 45 minute treatments twice per week is all that is required and typically results will be seen within the first 4 treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which areas can be treated?
Shockwave therapy can be performed on many areas of the body including the outer and inner thighs, knees, arms, hips, buttocks and stomach.
What results can I expect from this treatment?
The full impact of your Shockwave treatment may not be immediately noticeable, however following your first 3-4 treatment sessions you should be able to start seeing a change in the texture of your skin. The full visual benefits from the treatment should occur within one month and with the option of a maintenance program the results should be long lasting.
Can I combine Shockwave therapy with other treatments?
Many people who undergo Shockwave therapy choose to combine it with other procedures. We would advise that you speak with one of our therapists prior to the commencement of Shockwave to discuss your previous treatments and also your therapy goal.
How will this effect cellulite?
Trying to budge stubborn cellulite? A course of Shockwave can greatly reduce the appearance of cellulite. Healthy skin requires good blood flow with consistent levels of fat.
Shockwave will provide improvement of blood flow to the skin and reduce the volume of fat by helping your cells flush away unwanted fatty acids.
Aesthetic Treatments
Advanced aesthetic treatments performed by experts.